Children Ghanaian

Maxwell A.

Maxwell lives on Ghana’s western coast within a small fishing village with his mother and two siblings. He is in Class 1 and attends the Pockets of Promise after-school program daily, and enjoys his courses with great interest. Maxwell is dedicated to the duties of his family complex, which include fetching water, washing dishes, and doing what he can to help provide for the family. During Maxwell’s free time, he can be found playing football with his friends.

Children Ghanaian

Gideon M.

Gideon lives within the coastal community within Ghana’s Western Region. Like many of his neighbors, the fishing community has struggled intensely to provide for their families in such challenging conditions. Changes within the climate have significantly impacted the fishing community and the sole family income. Despite the many hardships that Gideon and his family have faced, he has shown great tenacity and strength to pursue his studies in Class 2 and POP. Gideon excels in the realm of mathematics, and he is known for the positive energy he brings when he walks into a room and on the football field.

Children Ghanaian

Regina K.

Regina lives nestled within the coastal community of Ghana’s Western Region. Currently enrolled within class 3, and attending the Pockets of Promise after-school program. Her family life consists of her mother and father who work as a team to sell their catch of the day to provide for their family.  When class is out of session, Regina can be found assisting with the duties around her home compound such as fetching water, cooking, or watching her younger siblings.

Children Ghanaian

Juliena Q.

 Juliana lives in a coastal community in the Western Region of Ghana with her mother, father, and four siblings. Her dad is a fisherman, and her mom smokes and sells fish. The number of fish caught has dramatically decreased over the past few years and has impacted her community significantly. Juliana’s favorite subject is English, and she enjoys playing Ampe with her friends any chance she has. Juliana helps around her home by cooking, fetching water, and helping watch her younger siblings.

Children Ghanaian

Jessica B.

Jessica lives in the Western Region of Ghana in a coastal community with her mother, father, and four siblings. Her dad is a fisherman, and her mom smokes and sells the daily catch. Jessica is in class 2 and enjoys school; she attends the Pockets of Promise After-School Program daily and has made significant progress in her reading. Jessica has been able to discover new things through her love of reading. When Jessica is not helping out at home, she is playing Ampe with her friends.

Children Ghanaian

Frederick B.

Frederick lives in a coastal community in the Western Region in Ghana. Frederick always has a fantastic smile on his face. He is in class 5 and enjoys school, and English is his favorite subject. He lives with his mom, dad, and five siblings. His dad is a seaman, and his mother trades the catch of the day in the market. Things are hard in the house because the number of fish his dad comes back from the sea is not enough to properly care for the family.

Children Ghanaian

Ashford A.

Ashford lives within Ghana’s coastal community nestled within Ghana’s Western Region. Due to devastation within his biological family, Ashford has been taken in by an underprivileged family. Despite the many hardships that Ashford has faced, he has managed to maintain a positive outlook, dedicated to his new family, and fully dedicated to his studies. Currently, in class 1, Ashford attends the pockets of promise after-school program and has begun his journey to literacy. One of the greatest inhibitors in his path is the ability to obtain high-quality nutrition in his daily life due to financial restraints.

Children Ghanaian

Jackie M.

One of the first things you will notice about Jackie is her brilliant smile. As a regular member of the Pockets of Promise After-School Program, Jackie has shared her dream to pursue her studies and become a doctor. When out of class, Jackie manages the duties of her house, fetching water, washing dishes, and attending to chores. Jackie’s home life consists of her mother, father, and two siblings.

Children Ghanaian

Clement N.

Clement lives in the Western Region of Ghana in a coastal community with his mom, dad, and six siblings. Clement is in class 3. He works hard in school and the Pockets of Promise after-school Program. When Clement is not in school, his hobbies include trapping crabs and fishing. Although Clement looks healthy on the outside, malnutrition has continued to be a cause of distress and harms Clement’s potential.

Children Ghanaian

Mary N.

Mary is funny and full of personality. When Mary is in the room, you know it; she is infectious. Mary is in nursery school and attends the Pockets of after-school Promise Program. She is making excellent progress in her studies and her journey to literacy. Mary lives in the Western Region in Ghana in a coastal community with her mom, dad, and six siblings. Her dad is a fisherman, and her mom prepares and sells the catch of the day. Despite the daily struggles of proper nutrition and economics, Mary is determined to make the most of what Pockets of Promise can offer to her.