Children Indian

K. Malliswary

S. Malliswary is a 5-year-old girl living with her single mother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. Following her father’s death as a result of prolonged alcohol addiction, S. Malliswary’s mother worked in the town to provide for the family, though her income was barely enough to put food on the table. S. Malliswry and her mother rarely had enough to eat, and would often go to sleep hungry. Regardless of their sinking financial situation, S. Malliswary loves playing games and dreams of becoming a scientist when she grows up. Help S. Malliswary and her family by donating a small amount.

Children Indian

K. Anirudh

K. Anirudh is a 4 year old boy living with his single mother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. When his father passed away, K. Anirudh and his mother were left without a means to obtain money. Their low income prevents K. Anirudh from attending school, but K. Anirudh dreams of learning, and wants to become a teacher one day. In his spare time, K. Anirudh enjoys playing cricket.

Help support K. Anirudh.

Children Indian

S. Nandhini

S. Nandhini is a 16-year-old girl living with her grandmother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. S. Nandhini’s parents left her with her grandmother when they went on to marry other people, leaving their daughter permanently in her grandmother’s care. S. Nandhini’s grandmother works in the fields as a farmer, though her income is not sufficient to properly support S. Nandhini’s dreams of going to school and becoming a lawyer. A small donation can help children like S. Nandhini reach their dreams.

Children Indian

S. Shiva

S. Shiva is a 9-year boy living in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. His parents, unable to provide for him, abandoned him when he was young. His neighbors instead took him in and cared for him as if he was their own. S. Shiva loves fishing and learning and wants to become a Doctor in the future to help others.

Children Indian

S. Chinna Babu

S. China babu is a 14-year-old boy living in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. S China babu was rendered an orphan when his parents passed away at work in a fishing accident when he was 9 years old. S. China babu was taken under the care of Pockets of Promise, and 5 years later, he is a talented and exceptional student who enjoys reading and plans to become an engineer in the future. Donating a small amount can help provide S. China babu with an education.

Children Indian

S. Subbu

S. Subbu is a 7 year old boy living with his grandmother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. Subbu’s parents had left to work in a neighboring village to provide for the family, but never returned, leaving S. Subbu with his grandmother as his only remaining family. His grandmother seeked work in a goat farm, though this brought them little income. Regardless of their financial situation, S. Sibbu is very interested in going to school and hopes to become a police officer when he grows up.

Organizations like Pockets of Promise can help children like S. Subbu achieve their dreams by alleviating some of the financial burdens of the family. Through charitable donations, you can help send S. Subbu to school.

Children Indian

Ram Babu

Rambabu is an 8-year old boy living with his grandmother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. Rambabu was just a baby when his parents were attacked by animals during an outing in the treacherous forests that surround the jungle community, leaving him under the care of his grandmother. His grandmother worked on a farm to provide for her grandson, though their income is very low. With their low income, Rambabu’s grandmother is unable to send him to school Organizations like Pockets of Promise can help children like Rambabu alleviate some of the financial burdens of the family. Through charitable donations, you can help send Rambabu to school.

Children Indian

S. Meana

S. Meana is a 1 year old baby girl living with her single mother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. The death of her father before S. Meana’s birth left her mother a widow and unable to work with a baby on the way. After having S. Meana, her mother worked tirelessly gathering and selling plastic products she found in the garbage to feed her hungry baby. The money from these sales were not enough though, and she was unable to properly provide for her child. Donations from our generous donors can help S. Meana and her family put food on the table.

Children Indian

S. Ammu

S. Ammu is a 6-year-old girl living with her grandmother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. After her parents passed away, her grandmother worked in a pig pasture to care for her granddaughter. However, S. Ammu dreams of going to school to become a doctor, a dream that is unfortunately out of their budget. Charitable donations from Pocket of Promise’s generous patrons help to ease S. Ammu and her grandmother’s financial struggles and hopes to send S. Ammu to school to achieve her dreams. Help S. Ammu and her family by sponsoring S. Ammu.

Children Indian

S. Vinayaka

S. Vinayaka is a 5-year-old boy living in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. S. Vinakaya was found parentless by an older man, who gave him work in a junkyard. Through this, S. Vinakaya was able to make just enough money to eat and survive. The unexpected death of this gentleman in 2020 left S. Vinakaya without work, and therefore, without a means to pay for food. With Pockets of Promise’s help, S. Vinkaya dreams of going to school and becoming a Police Officer.