Children Indian

S. Jashnavi

S. Jashnavi is a 3-year-old girl living with her single mother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. When S. Jasnavi’s father left the family, her mother worked endlessly in a pig pasture to support S. Jashnavi and herself. However, regardless of her long hours and strenuous work, S. Jashnavi’s mother’s income was still low and was not enough to feed their small family.

Through charitable donations, Pockets of Promise is able to financially support S. Jashnavi and her mother and can help put food on the table.

Children Indian

S. Sidhu

S. Sidhu is a 9 year old boy living with his grandmother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. After his father passed away, Sidhu’s mother worked tirelessly in a goat pasture to support her son, though her income was not enough to send Sidhu to school. Attending school is one of Sidhu’s dreams, and he hopes to become a teacher when he is older.

Help support S. Sidhu. Donations go towards providing S. Sidhu with a proper education.

Children Indian

S. Karthik

S. Karthik is an 8-year-old boy living with his single mother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. Karthik’s mother’s low salary working in a pig pasture was not enough to support their son after Karthik’s father left, and Karthik and his mother fell into deep poverty. Karthik was found at age 2 in 2016. With Pocket of Promise’s help, Kathrik is doing much better. He enjoys playing with toys in sand and dreams of becoming a teacher someday.

Help sponsor S. Karthik.

Children Indian

G. Chira Laxmi

G. Chira Laxmi is a 13-year-old girl living in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. G. Chira Laxmi’s family was of low income; to provide for their daughter, G. Chira Laxmi’s parents would work in a junkyard, collecting plastics to sell for money. After not returning from one of their trips to the junkyard, G. Chira Laxmi lived on as an orphan. G. Chira Laxmi was found in 2017 at the age of 9 and was taken into the care of Pockets of Promise. Currently, she continues to live and grow under Pockets of Promises care through generous donations. Some of G. Chira Laxmi’s hobbies include planting trees and caring for the environment, and she dreams of becoming a Nurse when she grows up. Help sponsor G. Chira Laxmi.

Children Indian

S. Ganesh

S. Ganesh is a 5 year old boy living with his neighbour in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. After his father was deemed unfit to care for him due to his growing alcohol addiction, S. Ganesh’s neighbour took him in and cared for him. S. Ganesh, only 5 years old, has taken a great liking to cooking, and wants to become a Master Chef when he grows up. Help sponsor S. Ganesh so that he can achieve his dreams

Children Indian

S. Poorna Chandu

S. Poorna Chandu is a 2-year-old boy in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. Found in late 2019, Poorna’s parents had passed away as a result of a snake attack, leaving the young boy to fend for himself. S. Poorna Chandu was taken in under Pockets of Promise. He is currently building up his strength and loves to play games. Your donation can help children who are unable to provide for themselves. Pockets of Promise offers a good education, proper nutrition, and medical checkups for children like S. Poorna Chandu.

Children Indian

T. Venkata Laxmi

T. Venkata Laxmi is a 4-year-old girl living with her grandmother in the Mercy colony in Ramapuram, India. Following her father’s demise to alcohol addiction, T. Venkata Laxmi’s mother works tirelessly in a junkyard, collecting and selling plastics to feed Venkata Laxmi and her grandmother. T. Venkata Laxmi dreams of one day becoming a Doctor, though her mother’s income is presently not enough to send her to school. Your small donation can help send T. Venkata Laxmi to school.

Children Indian

T. Sai Kumari

T. Sai Kumari is a 7-year-old girl living with her siblings and grandmother in the Mercy colony of Ramapuram, India. Their father is unable to work due to knee pain, leaving T. Sai Kumari and her siblings left to provide for their family by digging through and selling trash after their mother fled the household to marry another man. Though acting as the sole provider for their family, T. Sai Kumari loves to read and dreams of attending school in hopes of one day become a lawyer. Your small donation can help send T. Sai Kumari to school.

Children Indian


Chiranjeevi is a 4-year-old boy living with his single mother and 2 siblings. Without their father’s financial support and their mother’s low-income job as a servant in various households, Chiranjeevi and his siblings do not have enough money to buy food or clothes. As Chiranjeevi moves on to grade 2 as the top student of his class, the threat of pulling out of school becomes closer as the family can no longer afford to send Chiranjeevi and his siblings to classes. A devout Christian, Chiranjeevi participates in bible classes every day and prays that he is able to stay in school and continue to learn.

A small donation can greatly help Chiranjeevi and his family, and can keep Chiranjeevi and his siblings in school.

Children Indian


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